Project Budgeting Tool

Estimate freelancer hiring costs for your next project.

Tell us about the roles you are hiring for:

Role 1:

add Add another role

Input your details to calculate your unique budget
Overall Budget for the specified roles will range from

INR 15L - 17L

(These figures are based on the Median to 75th percentile benchmarks)

Budget breakdown for each role

Role 1

6 months budget

  • Median 10K
  • 75th 50K
  • 90th 100K

Role 2

6 months budget

  • Median 10K
  • 75th 50K
  • 90th 100K

Role 3

6 months budget

  • Median 10K
  • 75th 50K
  • 90th 100K

Budget Allocation

Need custom fee benchmarking?

Access industry-specific benchmarks and reports

Leverage fee benchmarks specific to 50+ industries to build a more accurate talent budget specific to your industry

Plan annual talent budgets with more accuracy

Unlock budget insights across a year or more, with custom talent capacity planning

Plan for larger teams

Add more roles across multiple teams across different skill areas

Leverage Benchmarks for Distributed Teams

Access fee insights for talent specific to different major cities of India

Share your custom requirement

Need custom fee benchmarking?

Access industry-specific benchmarks and reports

Leverage fee benchmarks specific to 50+ industries to build a more accurate talent budget specific to your industry

Plan annual talent budgets with more accuracy

Unlock budget insights across a year or more, with custom talent capacity planning

Plan for larger teams

Add more roles across multiple teams across different skill areas

Leverage Benchmarks for Distributed Teams

Access fee insights for talent specific to different major cities of India

Share your custom requirement